fredag 8 januari 2010

Spotify for Linux; huge .xession-errors

My ~/.xsession-errors is a monster that eats my disk space, and it's Spotify's fault. It grows up to 20 GB with error messages from Spotify. Always the same line:

fixme:ntdll:NtQueryInformationProcess (process=0xffffffff) Unimplemented information class: ProcessDebugFlags

I saw a solution online: symlink .xsession-errors to /dev/null! I might do that. But there's still a bug somewhere that I hope will be fixed.

In other Spotify-related news, I just bought a premium account to get rid of the annoying ads. A happy side-effect is that I could use Despotify or Jotify (which looks better) instead of running Spotify through Wine. Too bad Jotify doesn't even have the most basic documentation, so I have no idea how to run the program.

måndag 4 januari 2010

Intermission 3: Bluetooth remote control

With the help of this page I can now control Rhythmbox and Gnome with my Sony Ericsson T700 through bluetooth! Nifty. My phone is not listed on the page, but it still works, so yours might too even if it isn't on there.

söndag 3 januari 2010

Intermission 2: Rhythmbox / Gstreamer bug

Rhythmbox keeps going silent or freezing for no apparent reason, after playing a few songs. After a restart it works again. I've had a similar problem with Spotify (through Wine) for some time, but Rhythmbox has only done this after I installed Ubuntu 9.10.

So I've filed a bug (possibly for the first time!)
Edit: Here's the bug in Bugzilla - filed by someone with the same issue.

Here's the error thrown by Rhythmbox:

(rhythmbox:3886): GStreamer-WARNING **: Element bin2 already has parent

(rhythmbox:3886): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_str_has_prefix: assertion `str != NULL' failed

Maybe it's supposed to be a Gstreamer bug, I hope some friendly developers can help me sort it out.


When Spotify goes silent, this is the message in the console (repeated endlessly):

err:wave:wodPlayer_WriteMaxFrags Error in writing wavehdr. Reason: Input/output error

Googling it doesn't give much insight... Maybe another bug to file? The question is what package to file it for.