I have updated my first post, Introduction / My goals - I've re-structured the sections and added some basic information about my hardware which I guess is quite relevant to this whole experiment.
Thanks to Andreas Nilsson for putting a link to me in his blog!
What I did today
I did what LDiablo][ suggests in his comment to the Intrepid real time kernel bug.
I downloaded the following four packages to downgrade to the old kernel:
linux-image-2.6.24-22-rt (2.6.24-22.45)
linux-rt (
linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-22-rt (
linux-restricted-modules-rt (
...and istalled them with dpkg --force-depends. I'm not exactly sure why I would need the restricted drivers, though.
The system boots up fine, but without ALSA. No sound at all, in other words.
qjackctl says the following:
13:45:02.348 Could not open ALSA sequencer as a client. ALSA MIDI patchbay will be not available.
ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory
Also, when trying to use real time mode:
cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 10) [for thread -1210079568, from thread -1210079568] (1: Operation not permitted)
cannot create engine
I have a vague memory of fixing the latter issue before in Hardy - it obviously has something to do with permissions. Googling will probably do the trick. I'm more concerned about ALSA.
lsmod |grep snd gives me nothing, and when trying modprobe snd_seq I get the following message:
FATAL: Module snd_seq not found.
FATAL: Error running install command for snd_seq
I'll take a break now for a day or two. Any and all suggestions are welcome!
I'm quite surprised about acutally having readers/commenters already - thanks for contributing, and have a happy new year!
Du skulle kunna få bli medförfattare till min blogg, som tyvärr är lite eftersatt:
I'm not sure, but the alsa problem you're seeing could very well be due to the fact that you have library conflicts with the hardy kernel. --force-depends is never a good idea. If I find the time to upgrade to intrepid, I will build a 2.6.24 kernel and share the debs.
SvaraRaderaThe thing is, I really love Ubuntu. But it's so annoyingly counterproductive and inefficient to not make good use of the ppa system. I mean, there should be a semi-official ppa for updated packages and working kernels. Something that the devs readily could recommend.
Maybe I should learn how to create a ppa myself...
Buddy Jesus: Mycket gärna!
SvaraRaderaI'm planning to write a post with useful links and your blog is going to be one of them. I was very happy when I first found it.
khashayar: Yeah, that's what I was suspecting. It would be very kind of you if you did that. I also think it would be a great idea to have an extra, unofficial repository like that.
Péter, I've been playing around with Ubuntu's PPA, and have a few packages there now that are completely untested, mostly backports. Would you be interested in testing the packages, although they possibly might do hideous things when you turn your back, like eating your cat? Let me know if you're interested.
SvaraRaderakhashayar: Sorry for the slow reply, I've been sick... Sure, I'm interested! I might not be able to test anything for a few days though, but from next week on I hope to have some time.
SvaraRaderaActually, this whole thing led me to become part of ubuntustudio-devel team :-)
SvaraRaderaThis means that I'm not as engaged in my own PPA anymore (though, I'd upload stuff for testing, and will fix things best I can, if they're broken). Hopefully, with some effort, what I had thought of doing with my PPA can be done more properly instead at the source.
Nice to hear that! Is there a wiki or something for the latest development? It'd be interesting to see what's going on right now...
SvaraRaderaI think best way to find out of what's going on is to hang out in #ubuntustudio at freenode.
SvaraRaderaGenerally, the big thing is that everybody's set on delivering a nice and stable jaunty release, particularly since the problems introduced with intreipd (lack of -rt).
Another thing we're discussing is jack2. Hopefully we're gonna get the PPA in good shape for testing.
In fact, most importantly, we will need testers, and as many of them as possible! Keep your eyes open if you want to help out ;-)
I'll try to comment on your blog regularly about what is going, in case you'd be ready to help testing.
Sounds good! :)
SvaraRaderaThe correct name of the module is snd-seq, not snd_seq. It doesn't get loaded by default because probably your built in soundcard has no midi support. Add the line:
to /etc/modules to get it loaded at boot time.