The error either has to do with a necessary driver (the kernel module raw1394) not being loaded, or with user permissions for the firewire bus, as the non-root user has to get write access. These two issues are easily solved thus:
modprobe raw1394
chmod a+rw /dev/raw1394
The first line loads the kernel module, the second line changes the permissions to the raw1394 device to a+rw (access+read/write, if I am not mistaken). I have tried to make the latter change permanent by making my non-root user the owner of the file with chown [USERNAME] /dev/raw1394, but with no succcess.
Now the jack daemon should have no problems starting.
My comments here are gonna be scarce these days due to the film festival (hey! you should be out watching films as well!)
SvaraRaderaPermission problems: Fire up ubuntustudio controls and clickety-fix the permission issue :-)
Yes, I sure should. And I probably will.
SvaraRaderaOh, I hadn't thought of that. Thans!