Since last time I wrote, I haven't had access to my equipment and I haven't had time for music making. I'm back now and ready to go. Sadly, I've had a fair share of trouble this far:
1. "Ubuntu Studio controls" don't seem to work for me. I need to set the permissions for /dev/raw1394 manually every time I restart.
2. Ardour crashes during normal usage without further explanation.
3. The Bristol version included in Ubuntu Studio isn't compiled with the Jack driver, which is a big mystery to me. After compiling it from source, I can run hook up a midi keyboard to it through Jack. Sadly, it crashes randomly, emitting the most horrendous sound.
4. ZynAddSubFx crashes too.
On top of this, ALSA sound playback fails every half an hour or so - Rhythmbox gives me a weird Gstreamer error ("pad problem") and Spotify (Wine) just stops playing without further notice.
I'm not so enthusiastic about this as I first was... I think I need to find someone who can help me set up a stable audio production environment, this trial-and-error thing is starting to wear me out.
EDIT: After correcting a mistake, everything works better! The enthusiasm is back. See the next post
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